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EN_Imprint - Überschrift


EN_Impressum IB Mitte gGmbH

Internationaler Bund - IB Mitte gGmbH für Bildung und soziale Dienste (IB Mitte gGmbH)
Represented by the management: Dirk Müller, Jana Rickhoff
Flemmingstr. 8, Haus 23
09116 Chemnitz
Phone.: 0371 3375-180
Fax: 0371 3375-189
E-Mail: IB-Mitte-gGmbH@ib.de

EN_Impressum_Zusatz IB Mitte gGmbH

Registry Court: Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main
Register number: HRB 40110
Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 813747828

Redakteur Anne Urban

Editorial responsibility according to § 18 paragraph 2 MStV:
Anne Urban, Löbtauer Str. 4 - 6, 01067 Dresden

EN_Hinweis zum Gender Mainstreaming

Note on gender mainstreaming

To ensure that the content on this page is easy to understand, we have used gender-neutral terms wherever possible. Where this was not possible, we have restricted ourselves to the male form.

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